Elizabeth Vinturella |
So.... this is the beginning. There is no "one" good place to begin. I'll start with why I chose the title, "My Call to be Bold." I encountered God because of bold people. Repeatedly, I have been sustained in God's love because of bold people. I have been "cloaked in peace" because of bold people. People that were willing and ready to step up and to listen and hear God's calling, His request for their service, in my life. Imagine that, in "my" life. Never would I have imagined that God would work so greatly in "my" life. Me, little old me, I'm just a mom .... God reveal Himself to me? Oh my, in a mighty way He has worked and continues to be present in my life as I walk through the fire of the trauma and grief of my beautiful, precious12 year old daughter's death, as well as the search effort to recover her missing body in the fishing bayous of Shell Beach, Louisiana.
David and Samantha (2010 |
Weekly, I receive emails from a friend at my church, St. Timothy's United Methodist Church in Mandeville, Louisiana. Her ministry is called, Ronnie's Life and she ends every email with a prayer. This prayer begins with, "In Scripture, we know that God call us to be bold. (Joshua 1:9)" I read this prayer and I hear it, I really hear it. It's God calling me, placing it upon my heart to be bold, myself. I need to be bold for Him, I want to be bold for Him. By nature I am not. I am shy and continually avert attention that could be placed on me. I don't like to talk but I do like to listen. I don't voice my opinions easily but I do have them. Now, its my turn to be bold. To be bold for Christ, to speak out. To be bold enough to share my story, to be bold enough to think that anyone else would be interested in what I have to say and to be bold enough to trust that "my story" - the one that I have been given to steward would be a source of hope for anyone, for anyone walking through the fire trying to live after a crushing loss, for anyone that grieves over any loss, for someone that questions God's authenticity, His miraculous powers and His promise of eternal life.
I'm going to step out of my comfort zone and write and speak and share my story. With the help of a loving God, One that reassures me, " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) I am going to be bold !
Liz, I just read through all of your writings, from the most recent to the first. You are amazing and, yes, BOLD!
Keep writing!! I agree with one of the comments from a reader...write whatever you need to whenever you need to! Your words are so incredibly inspirational! Many, if not most of us, are currently or have experienced some degree of pain and loss and your words remind us that no one is alone!! HE is with us always!!
Keep writing and I will most definitely keep reading (and crying) right along with you! (And don't feel guilty for the tears..yours or anyone else's...they are a needed release and cleansing!!)
Sending you hugs and great big kudos for doing this!!!
~Kathi Morrison
Love you guys so very much! Heart broken for you! Inspired by your faith and your "Walk With Thee". PERFECT NAME!
Karen Lindsey
Elizabeth, you are such an inspiration to me in so many ways. God blessed you by giving you Samantha. She is still with you, and always will be.
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